Privacy Policy, Cookies and Licence

Privacy Policy, Cookies and Licence

The blog you’re currently viewing uses cookies and personalization/profiling techniques by Google Ads. Some of the cookies (that are small files stored on your device), are used to serve better content and based on the preferences – send anonymous information to Google Analytics (the blog anonimizes the data sent to Google Analitics if you don’t agree to profiling), to allow to find such pages in search engine. If you don’t aprove of that – please turn cookies off – i.e. using the help at About Cookies website, additionally the site gathers information based on Google Ads, you can review the privacy policy at: You can control the new posibilities i.e. the data gathered, right to be forgotten.Similar options exists for the the comments section that is run by Disqus, please visit the: to find out more.

The contents of this blog is shared under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 DEED license.