Last time we build a simple SMOG sensor, do it's high time to add display (OLED) and to verify the SMOG measurements – the environmental sensor – as we know that humidity over 70% can add up to the SMOG.
This is the hard part – we need to hook up all together, and there’re are several ways to do it , let’s try the KISS approach again: jumper cables:
Now pay close attention – connect according to this schema:
In the end you should get a similar “monster”:
Next-up in our programme – couple of ESPEasy reconfigurations:
The Devices will look like this
First name the SDS Sensor (Name): surprise: SDS011, also the PM25 and PM10. Proper names are important for keeping it manageable:
Turn to BME280 (coul be also BMP280, if you don’t need the pressure). The Altitude is to be set so we can get proper values of atmospheric pressure:
And the last step – OLED display configuration:
That’s it! Check out how fast the readings change. Go ahead show it in your school/work.